Brendan Duffy

CREST Principal Investigator
Tel: 01-220 6907
- Experienced team leader with over 20 years’ experience in industrial materials development and testing
- Manages a team of up to 25 full time researchers and supervised 11 PhD students to completion
- Leads industrial partnerships with indigenous and multinational companies
- Oversees a research services team working with over 50 companies per year
- Generates income in excess of €1.2m per annum and has secured funding for over €2m in equipment upgrades
- Oversees and manages CREST intellectual property including patenting and licencing to industry
- Responsible as academic lead on spin out company, Kastus Technologies
- Participates in and leads large project consortia (EU H2020)Manages national service contracts with ESB, DAFM, OPWTechnical Committee Member of NSAI/TC 048/SC 23 "Paints and varnishes”
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