David Gardiner

Knowledge Transfer Case Manager
Email: david.gardiner@tudublin.ie
Tel: +3531 4027143
David is a Knowledge Transfer Case Manager for TU Dublin Innovation and is responsible for the commercialisation of intellectual property arising from TU Dublin research with his innovation portfolio spanning across the disciplines of ICT, engineering, food Science and media. David also supports members of the Dublin Region Innovation Consortium.
Prior to being appointed as a licensing executive with TU Dublin Innovation, David was the Senior Commercialisation Manager at the Centre for Applied Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence (CeADAR). CeADAR is funded by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland, is headquartered in University College Dublin and is a partnership with the Technological UniversityDublin (formerly the DIT).
Prior to being appointed as the Senior Commercialisation Manager with CeADAR, David acted as the Business Development Manager at TU Dublin Innovation. While there, he set up and led TU Dublin Innovation Open Labs which created an external R&D facility for small firms, giving them access to more than 600 researchers and facilities in product prototyping, virtual reality, internet of things, data analysis for business and innovative surface coatings. David also co-founded both the virtual reality lab and rapid prototyping lab for TU Dublin.
David has considerable experience working with entrepreneurs and start-ups helping them connect and engage with the research base in Ireland. David set up and ran Technological University Dublin’s student entrepreneurship programme, I-Cubed, which focuses on developing TU Dublin students and alumni as entrepreneurs with the intention to create viable and sustainable businesses.
David is a Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP) and holds an MSc in Global Business, a Postgraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Enterprise, a Diploma in Technology and Intellectual Property Law, a Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Accounting & Finance and has studied a Degree in Digital Technology, Design and Innovation.