Dr Catherine Bates

Research Engagement Lead
Email: catherine.bates@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 7098
Role in TU Dublin
Catherine is Research Engagement Lead in TU Dublin. She supports staff and societal partners to collaborate on research for positive societal change, which address the Sustainable Development Goals. This research collaboration can be at a local, national or even international level. Catherine develops and delivers capacity-building workshops for research engagement, and useful resources. She coordinates TU Dublin’s Engaged Research Network.
Catherine works one-to-one with TU Dublin staff and community or statutory partners to support them to achieve their goals for research collaboration.
Catherine is also involved in sharing knowledge and supporting Engaged Research at an international level, as a long-standing member of the Living Knowledge Network.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4060-9983
PURE profile: https://researchprofiles.tudublin.ie/en/persons/catherine-bates-2