Dr. Gordon Cooke

Research Impact Lead & Principal Investigator
Email: gordon.cooke@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 7910
I am the Research Impact Lead for TU Dublin. As the Research Impact Lead, I am here to guide and support researchers in maximising the societal impact of their work. My role involves assisting researchers plan, monitor, and communicate the broader significance of their research, ensuring that their findings effectively reach and resonate with diverse audiences, including industry partners, policymakers, and the general public. Whether assisting with impact strategies during grant applications or helping to communicate outcomes at the end of a project, I provide strategic advice and practical tools to enhance the visibility and value of TU Dublin's research contributions.
Before taking on this role I was a lecturer in biopharmaceutical sciences and an active research scientist. I completed my PhD in 2004 in TU Dublin, Tallaght before being appointed as a Newman Fellow in UCD where I studied Barrett’s Metaplasia. I subsequently went to New Zealand where I worked in the School of Nursing at the University of Auckland, as a Research Assistant. I returned to Ireland in 2008 and worked in UCD as a postdoctoral researcher, in pulmonary fibrosis and bacterial infection. I then worked on researching the role extracellular vesicles play in fibrotic disease and infection. I joined TU Dublin in August 2016 where I established my own research group examining bacterial resistance, and the role of extracellular vesicles in disease. I also have an interest in educational research around technology-enhanced learning, student retention, and student resilience.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0366-3603
PURE Profile: https://researchprofiles.tudublin.ie/en/persons/gordon-cooke-2