Ekene Umego successful PhD Viva
On Friday 7th Feb Ekene Umego completed his PhD examination. Ekene has conducted research on capacity Building in the Irish Brewing and Distilling sector for Raw Materials Utilisation, By-products Management, and Environmental Impact Assessment.
Along the way managed to disseminate his research and develop some very interesting results.
His PhD, supervised by Catherine Barry-Ryan and Marie Byrne was part of an ongoing Dept Agriculture Food & Marine (FIRM) funded project, coordinated by Teagasc, Oakpark.
His PhD, supervised by Catherine Barry-Ryan and Marie Byrne was part of an ongoing Dept Agriculture Food & Marine (FIRM) funded project, coordinated by Teagasc, Oakpark.
Many thanks to Ultan Mc Carthy (SETU), Orla Cahill and Prof Christine O'Connor for conducting the examination.