Education Training & Skills


Project Title Brief Outline Time Frame Related School Researchers Partners TU Dublin Role Call/Funders
ARISE Horizon 2020 Developing just in time training and pan-European certification for personal training record using blockchain 2022-2024 Surveying & Construction Innovation Dr. Barry McAuley and Ryan Dempsey -- Lead Supervisor/PI Horizon 2020
SCSI - Industry Report Employment, Remuneration and Workplace Report 2023 School of Surveying & Construction Innovation Dr. Roisin Murphy   PI SCSI
CIF - Industry Report Trades and Apprenticeship Report 2020 School of Surveying & Construction Innovation Dr. Roisin Murphy   PI CIF
Building Change National curriculum change project led by TU Dublin in collaboration with all other Irish schools of architecture to radically revise architectural education to address the climate and housing crises 2022-2025   Emma Geoghegan, Jennifer Boyer, Richard Gallery, Miriam Delaney and Noel Brady UCD, SETU, MTU, UCC, ATU, UL and RIAI Lead Partner Higher Education Authority, Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3 funding
ARCH4Change ARCH4CHANGE seeks to co-create a digital accessible architectural ‘climate emergency’ curriculum that is fit for the new decade, in which society faces unprecedented challenges, related to mitigating and buffering the effects of the climate crisis., underpinning the transition towards a carbon neutral society 2020 - 2023 Architecture, Building & Environment Emma Geoghegan, Jennifer Boyer, Mike Haslam, Sarah O'Dwyer, Cillian McGrath Tampere University Finland, Aarhus School of Architecture, University of Bologna, Technical University Tallin 03 Teacher Training Skills Package Lead Erasmus+ funding
ECO -GT – Engineers Communicating Internationally for the Green Transition. The ECO-GT project develops effective international communication skills among green-transition engineers, helping them to collaborate more successfully across research, business and policymaking communities, strengthening their capacity to
influence the diffusion of green transition innovation and to combat the global climate crisis. The project develops a framework of international communication competences specific to green-transition engineers,
which can be translated into learning outcomes, educational curricula, flexible mini-modules, and assessment criteria. Through piloting in different institutional contexts, as well as through a cross-institutional summer school, ECO-GT also
explores ways to integrate international communication skills education into engineering curricula.
2023-2026 Transport and Civil Engineering Una Beagon, Stephen Harper Technikum Vienna, Austria
Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
University of Applied Sciences Lapland, Finland
Istanbul University, Turkey
UTAD, Portugal
Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania
Engineers Ireland
Partner Erasmus+ Co-operation Partnership
TRAINeng PDP – Training Engineers for Lifelong learning through a Personal Development Process – Cooperation Partnership Mapping of Lifelong Learning competencies in engineering programmes, and evaluation of effectiveness of pilot interventions to  prepare students with the LLL competences required for a life of learning.  2022- 2025 Transport and Civil Engineering Una Beagon, Caitriona dePaor, Aimee Byrne KU Leuven, Belgium,
TU Dublin,
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland
Engineers Ireland
Partner Erasmus+ Co-operation Partnership
PROFESS 12 – Professional Skills for Engineering Students – Summer School to Achieve SDG 12 Survey of employers, academics and students on required competences to achieve sustainble development, cocreation and roll out of a summer school and evaluation as a effective pedagogy to support students. Focus on developing intercultrual skills between students from Northern Ireland and Ireland. 2022-2024 Transport and Civil Engineering Una Beagon, Brian Bowe, Janet Mc Kennedy TU Dublin,
Ulster University
Lead Investigator HEA North South Partnership Programme
In-4-STEM - Innovative interventions to increase social and academic integration of STEM students In-4-STEM develops methodologies to measure social and academic integration (SAInt) of new students in STEM and challenges faced by minorities in STEM (first-generation, women, apprenticeship students) during the transition to higher education. Innovative and effective interventions are developed that improve the SAInt, well-being, and perceived support of target groups. In-4-STEM raises awareness of the importance of SAInt for all students and provides a more holistic view of student success. 2024-2027 (if funded - decision due July 2024) Transport and Civil Engineering Una Beagon, Edmund Nevin KU Leuven, Belgium,
TU Dublin,
ENSTA Bretagne, France
TU Eindhoven
Engineers Ireland
Partner Erasmus+ Co-operation Partnership
L³IFE - Lifelong learning for an ingenious future of engineers L³IFE builds a sustainable Alliance between education providers and the engineering profession to support engineering students and professional engineers in their learning journey. This multi-stakeholder approach between Higher Education (HE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), engineering associations & labor market actors guarantees a well-planned strategy and considers a micro, meso, & macro perspective: the micro-level focuses on the individual learner, in the meso-level the providers of learning opportunities are central, and at the macro-level, European & national policies are emphasized.  2024-2027 (if funded - decision due July 2024) Transport and Civil Engineering Una Beagon, Caitriona dePaor, Aimee Byrne KU Leuven, Belgium,
TU Dublin,
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland
University of Aveiro (UAveiro) Portugal
ARUP Consulting Engineers
Engineers Ireland
Bosch Professional Association (Belgium)
TEK Professional ASsociation (Finland)
Partner Erasmus+ Partnerships for innovation - Alliances