The Food Research Area brings together TU Dublin staff with active research programmes in the area of food and health into one Centre of research thus consolidating the research activities and creating a critical mass of food-related expertise. The aim of the Food Research Area is to develop and conduct innovative multidisciplinary research in relation to food, environment, sustainability, and health.

The Food Area represents one of the strategic research areas in the SHRH. It has evolved from years of applied and interdisciplinary research in the food and nutritional health areas in TU Dublin. It facilitates collaborative research between food safety, nutraceuticals, food technology in addition to human nutrition and dietetics, thus providing unique, holistic approaches to food and health.

The Food Research Area contributes to the Irish government’s initiative for developing a ‘Smart Economy’ by focusing on novel and innovative solutions and demystifying some of the misconceptions surrounding the relationship between health and diet. This group has a very strong record of interdisciplinary policy-led, applied research that includes collaborations with industry partners and government agencies.