
Essential skills shaping the future of our built environment
Green Sense interviews Head of discipline Environment and Planning David O'Connor on the essential skills shaping the future of our built environment

Healthy Campus at TU Dublin
Green Sense interviews with TU Dublin Healthy Campus lead Dr Teresa Hurley, and student interns Sarah Healy and Laura Kestell on supporting and encouraging a healthy lifestyle with students and staff.

Building Change
Green Sense interviews with TU Dublin Sustainability Projects Senior Manager Dr Richard Gallery on the Building Change project, which is transforming Architectural education in Ireland through foregrounding climate literacy and climate action in our curricula.

Seachtain Eolaíochta 2023 — ag obair laistigh d’earnáil an taighde eolaíoch
Mar chuid de Sheachtain na hEolaíochta rinne Ceannasaí Taighde Gníomhaithe agus Nuálaíochta Inbhuanaithe OT Baile Átha Cliath an Dr Lorraine D’Arcy agallamh le Seán Ó Dubhchon ar Raidió Rí-Rá faoi CRAWL tionscadal taighde ar bronnadh maoiniú air le déanaí le Fondúireacht Eolaíochta Éireann

Community Gardening with GLAS at TU Dublin
Thinking about setting up your own community garden or green space? Listen to this Green Sense episode for great tips and advice from Lee Geoghegan - Head Gardener at the GLAS community garden at TU Dublin.

The SPARK Bohemians Football Club project
TU Dublin partner with the SPARK Bohemians Football Club project. Listen to Ceara of Book of Leaves podcast interview with Seán McCabe and Leo McConnell on SPARK's Library of Things, education and training programmes for the community in renewable energy and retrofitting.

Healthy Campus - talking Health and well-being with HSE
Third-level institutions have the potential to improve academic performance, students' sense of belonging, and reduce stress. Listen TU Dublin’s Healthy Campus Manager, Dr Teresa Hurley, who shares TU Dublin’s approach to health & well-being on campus with HSE’s Podcast host Fergal Fox.

Bold Donut - Games for Sustainability
TU Dublin New Frontiers' Nathan & Kate believe the millions of hours the world spends playing mobile games can yield something beyond a dopamine hit! They've developed Bold Donut, a games engagement platform for climate conscious organisations. Listen to this Green Sense podcast interview.

Sustainability Education at TU Dublin
Listen to this Green Sense interview with TU Dublin's Head of Sustainability Education Brian Gormley. Brian speaks about TU Dublin's commitment for every student to receive sustainability education as part of orientation and how sustainability is being embedded within all programmes.

University Decarbonisation Plans
Listen to this Green Sense interview with Head of Decarbonisation, Rosie Webb, and Sarah Blake. Rosie is currently leading on an ambitious but realistic plan to reduce TU Dublin's greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030 and to increase energy efficiency by 50% by 2030.

Actions for Biodiversity
Listen to this Green Sense interview with TU Dublin Senior lecturer, Rachel Freeman and Sarah Blake. Together they discuss actions for biodiversity, community gardens and advice on how to connect yourself and your organisation with UN SDG 15 - Life on Land.

Active Travel to campus
Listen to this Green Sense interview with Sustainability Action Research and Innovation Lead, Dr Lorraine D'Arcy, and Sarah Blake. Lorraine speaks about the social, economic, health and environmental benefits of active travel and how to get more people walking or cycling.
Sustainability Leadership in Business programme
This podcast series was created by students completing the Sustainability Leadership in Business programme, a postgraduate certificate designed to equip current and aspiring business practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of sustainability principles and trends. Students worked in groups called podcast circles for an assignment which formed part of their Sustainability Principles module. Each podcast circle selected a theme related to COP28 to focus on. They first selected and reviewed three episodes from the Outrage and Optimism podcast series relating to their chosen theme. Following this the students produced their own podcast episode shared below.
Transport and Climate
Students Guilherme Angeli, Nicky Griffin, Sean McCaffrey, and Aoife Sheridan cover Transport and Climate - Aviation - Sit back, relax and enjoy the flight
Food Systems and Climate
Students Joseph Blair, Maria Falaleeva, Niall Hill, and Rachel Stephens cover Food Systems and Climate - 'EcoEats'
Food Systems
Students Andrzej Kos, Nicholas Lee, Alexandrina Rusu, and Omatseye Sagay cover Food Systems - ‘How do we place justice at the heart of food systems?’
Food Systems and Climate
Students Anita Freeman, Rachel Maher, Anne Mulcahy, and Gavin Nugent, cover Food Systems and Climate - 'People, Place and Protein'
N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
In these short podcasts our Sustainability Student Champions have spoken with leaders in Sustainability, who are all making positive changes in our environment. This series is brought to you by N-TUTORR Student Champions and is produced in association with TU Dublin’s School of Media 3rd year Film and Broadcasting students.

N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
Ep 3: TU Dublin Student Sustainability Champion Leonardo de Oliveira Alves speaks to Jo Linehan, sustainability journalist, consultant and podcast creator about defining sustainability, and she gets us thinking about the problems with fast fashion.

N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
Ep 2: TU Dublin Student Sustainability Champion Aisha Ojuolape speaks to Rebecca Flanagan, TU Dublin’s Sustainability Events and Senior Media Coordinator about climate anxiety, careers in sustainability and taking climate action.

N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
Ep 1: TU Dublin Student Sustainability Champion Muhammad Rizwanuddin interviews Dave Dodd, former Co-Ordinator of Dublin Climate Action Regional Office, and collaborator of the Linte na Farraige, a science meets art project seen on 3 locations around the Irish coastline.

N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
Ep. 4: TU Dublin Student Sustainability Champion Anna Moran Watson speaks to Hannah Stewart, a London-based Sustainability consultant, to discuss her role working with big business.

N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
Ep. 5: Omnibus podcast containing all four TU Dublin Sustainability Student Champions' podcasts.

N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
Ep. 6: Coming Soon!
N-TUTORR Talks Sustainability
N-TUTORR Education for Sustainability Student Champions recorded a series of video interviews speaking with leaders in sustainability, who are all making positive changes in our environment. In this video N-TUTORR Education for Sustainability Student Champions Sarah Rogers and Anna Moran Watson speak to TU Dublin's Head of Decarbonisation Rosie Webb and TU Dublin's Head of Societal Engagement Helena Fitzgerald.