Criminology & Criminal Justice
The CSER has a long history of involvement in original, dynamic and innovative research pertaining to young people at risk of and/or already involved in offending behaviour and the identification of appropriate strategies to reduce the risk of (re)offending behaviour and improving the life

Digital Childhoods & Youth
This research theme studies the role of information and communication technologies in contemporary childhood, examining the diverse array of opportunities for new modes of learning and socialization as well as risks posed for children and young people in Ireland today.

Early Childhood Research Unit
Internationally recognised for its contributions in the area of early childhood care and education, the CSER grew out of research, particularly the IEA Preprimary Project.

Higher Education Policy Research Unit (HEPRU)
As the only research group in Ireland looking at questions of strategic and policy concern to the future of higher education in Ireland, HEPRU has established a strong international reputation for comparative policy research and analysis, and higher education assessment and evaluation.

Social Care
A particular research focus in the CSER is in the area of Social Care and Alternative Care. Research staff affiliated with the CSER have a particular interest in the clients of social care service providers. For example, their needs, models of best practice and the professional development

About CSER
The Centre for Social and Educational Research (CSER) is a dynamic and innovative research centre which seeks to improve the quality of life of children, family and society.