Course Title: Higher Certificate in Science in Computer Systems Management
Perfect for sociable, progressive, naturally curious types who enjoy the company of like-minded people, enjoy technical topics and love problem-solving, games and fun.
The aim of this course is to produce computing graduates with the skills, knowledge and competencies in telecommunications and networks, software engineering , multimedia and cloud computing. This course is designed to produce graduates with the skills required to operate as a first line information technology support person in a wide range of industry and business environments. The course comprises both taught modules and credits for relevant work experience.
Students will need access to a laptop.
IT Requirements: A MEDIUM spec (i.e. able to run Win 10, an AV solution and Office comfortably. Be able to use Wi-fi and camera to attend online classes, use other software such as SPSS, Adobe Connect, Minitab, Maple, so needs more RAM, SSD, etc.)
Please search for the TU Dublin offer on the HEA website
The minimum entry standard for Leaving Certificate graduates progressing to a Higher Certificate (Level 6) course is a grade of O6/H7 in five subjects including Mathematics and either English or Irish.
The minimum entry requirements for graduates of QQI Level 5 or 6 awards is any full award which must include Mathematics (C20139) or Mathematics for Computing (C20175) or Mathematics for Engineering (C20174) Mature applicants (i.e. those who are aged 23 years or more on January 1st in the year of entry) applying for the first level of programmes are exempt from this requirement.
Computing graduates are some of the most sought after graduates in the Irish and global economics. Computing graduates occupy a dizzying array of roles in the computing industry. Typical roles include:
- Software Developer
- Cyber Security Consultant
- Network Engineer
- Games Developer
- Systems Administrator
- App Developer
- Project Manager
- Web Developer
- Database Administrator
- Interface Designer
- Data Analyst
- IT Consultant
Semester 1
Semester 2
- Monday 6pm - 10pm
- Wednesday 6pm - 10pm
- Thursday 6pm - 10pm
This is a blended learning course, with a mix online classes and on-campus workshops.
Applications for this course are now open.
For further information on the application process, please visit How To Apply.
Graduates of this course may progress on to TU765 Bachelor of Science in Computing in Digital Forensics & Cyber Security.