Dr Michelle Giltrap

Email: Michelle.Giltrap@TUDublin.ie
Tel: (01) 220 5659
Michelle Giltrap completed her PhD in 2008 in the Marine Institute (Galway) in the laboratory of Dr. Brendan McHugh and Dr. Evin McGovern and in the laboratory of Dr. Maria Davoren at the Radiation and Environmental Science Centre, Focas Institute and Dr. Barry Foley at the School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, DIT, Kevin street. This PhD focused on the chemical and ecotoxicological effects on aquatic organisms residing in marine sediment. Since then Dr. Giltrap has gained 8 years substantial experience in environmental protection and pollution as related to aquatic health, both as a researcher and consultant to national and international bodies including EPA, Marine Institute, CEFAS (UK), Marine Scotland and Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Scotland.
Since 2010, Michelle has attracted more than €400k in research funding as principal investigator (PI) or Co-PI and has a well-established publication track record for an early career researcher, with an H-index of 8. Michelle has presented numerous conference papers as well as five invited presentations. Michelle has authored 19 peer-reviewed publications, one book chapter and many final reports.
In relation to postgraduate supervision and teaching, Michelle has co-supervised 1 PhD and 1 MPhil to completion and is currently co-supervising 2 PhD students in DIT Nanolab with one PhD student starting in FSEH in June, 2017. Michelle has also been involved in the local supervision of 4 International PhD students under an FP7 European network training programme.
Michelle’s research interests focus on the ecotoxicology and biological effects of individual and mixtures of contaminants on aquatic species and research is mainly concerned with the toxic effects on ecosystem functioning through a range of trophic and organisation levels in the system. Particular interest is focused on the untangling of natural and anthropogenic stress in the organism which underpins the health of the organism and ecosystem. More recently, research interests also involve characterisation of bioactive compounds from shellfish waste products for functional food applications.
Book chapter:
Giltrap., M., O Beirn, F. 2011. Oysters Physiology, Ecological Distribution and Mortality. Book chapter: Toxic Effects and Stress in oysters in relation to Pollution. Nova publishers New York, Editor: Jian G. Qin
Peer reviewed:
Giltrap, M., Ronan, J., Bignell, J.P., Lyons, B.P., Collins, E., Rochford, H., McHugh, B., McGovern, E., Bull, L., Wilson, J. 2017. Integration of biological effects, fish histopathology and contaminant measurements for the assessment of fish health: a pilot application in Irish marine waters, Marine Environmental Research, In Press.
Wilson, J.G. Dunne, N., Giltrap, M. 2017. Assessing candidate metrics for the ecological quality of TFTW (tidal freshwaters in transitional waters) in Ireland using benthic invertebrates. Ocean and Coastal Management, In press (Available on 4 April 2017).
Vethaak, A.D., Davies, I.M., Thain, J., Gubbins, M., Marti´nez-Gomez, C., Robinson, C.D., Moffat, C.F., Burgeot, T., Maes, T., Wosniok, W. Giltrap, M., Lang, T., Hylland, K. 2017. Integrated indicator framework and methodology for monitoring and assessment of hazardous substances and their effects in the marine environment, Marine Environmental Research, 124, 11-20.
Wilson, James G., Giltrap, M., Kelly, F. 2016. Fish in Tidal Freshwater Transitional Waters (TFTW) in Ireland: recommendations for policy and management of ecological quality under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Biology and Environment, 116B, 3, 221-232.
Giltrap, M., Ronan, J., Tanner, C., Mag Aoidh,R., Rochford, H., McHugh, McGovern E., Wilson, J.G. 2016 Temporal and spatial biomarker responses, histopathology and contaminants in Irish blue mussels, Mytilus edulis Marine Environmental Research, 122, 33-45.
Wilson, J.G., Minchin, D., McHugh, B. McGovern, E., Tanner, C.J. Tanner, Giltrap, M. 2015 Declines in TBT contamination in Irish coastal waters 1987–2011, using the dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) as a biological indicator. Marine Pollution Bulletin 100, 289-296.
McCleary, S., Giltrap, M., Henshilwood, K., Ruane, N.M. 2014. Detection of salmonid alphavirus RNA in Celtic and Irish Sea flatfish. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 109, 1-7.
Wilson, J.G., McHugh, B., Giltrap, M. 2014. Biomarkers: Are realism and control mutually exclusive in integrated pollution assessment? Marine Environmental Research 102, 11-17.
McCleary, S., Giltrap, M., Hensilwood, K., Ruane, N. 2014. Detection of salmonid alphavirus RNA in Celtic and Irish Sea flatfish Diseases of Aquatic Organisms react-text: 49 109(1):1-7 ·
Giltrap, M., Ronan, J., Hardenberg, S., Parkes, G., McHugh, B., McGovern, E. Wilson, J.G.2013. Assessment of biomarkers in Mytilus edulis to determine Good Environmental Status for implementation of MSFD in Ireland. Marine Pollution Bulletin 71, 240-249
Giltrap, M., Macken, A., Davoren, M. McGovern, E., Foley, B., Larsen, M., McHugh, B.. 2013. Utilising Caging Techniques to Investigate Metal Assimilation in Nucella lapillus, Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas at three Irish coastal locations. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 132, 77-86.
Giltrap, M., Macken, A., Foley, B., McGovern, E., McHugh, B., Davoren, M. 2011. In Vitro Screening of Organotin Compounds and Sediment Extracts for Cytotoxicity to Fish Cells. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30, 1, 154-161.
Monteyne, E., Strand, J., Vorkamp, K., Bersuder, P., Bolam, T., Giltrap, M., and McGovern, E. 2010. Monitoring organotins in marine biota. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences No. 47.
Giltrap, M., Macken, A., Davoren, M., Foley, B., McGovern, E., Strand, J., Minchin, D., McHugh, B. 2009. An in-situ study using caged Nucella lapillus and Crassostrea gigas to monitor TBT induced bio-effects in Irish Coastal Waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28, 8, 1671-1678.
Giltrap, M., Macken, A., Foley, B., McGovern, E., McHugh, B., Davoren, M. 2009. Bioassay-directed fractionation of marine sediment solvent extracts from the east coast of Ireland. Chemosphere, 76, 357–364.
Macken, A., Giltrap, M., Foley, B., McGovern, E., McHugh, B., Davoren, M. 2009. An integrated approach to the toxicity assessment of Irish marine sediments. Application of porewater Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) to toxic Irish marine sediments. Environment International. Environment International, 35, 1, 98-106.
Macken, A., Giltrap, M., Ryall, K., Foley, B., McGovern, E., McHugh, B., Davoren, M. 2009 A test battery approach to the ecotoxicological evaluation of cadmium and copper employing a battery of marine bioassays. Ecotoxicology, 18, 4, 470-480.
Macken, A., Giltrap, M., Foley, B., McGovern, E., McHugh, B., Davoren, M. 2008. An integrated approach to the toxicity assessment of Irish marine sediments: Validation of established marine bioassays for the monitoring of Irish marine sediments. Environment International, 34, 7, 1023-1032.
Macken, A., Giltrap, M., Foley, B., McGovern, E., McHugh, B., Davoren, M. 2007. A Model Compound Study: The ecotoxicological evaluation of five organic contaminants with a battery of marine bioassays. Environmental Pollution, 153, 3, 627-637.
Other publications
Giltrap, M.,Wilkes, R., Higgins, T., Wylde, S., Kavanagh, B.A. 2017. A review of contaminant levels in three Irish Harbours. EPA final report.
Giltrap, M., McHugh, B., Ronan, J., Wilson, J.G., McGovern, E. 2014. Biological effects and chemical measurements in Irish marine waters (Final Report), Marine Institute.
Giltrap, M., McGovern, E. 2012. Reporting Sheets for Characteristics of GES (Article 9) and Environmental Targets and Associated Indicators (Article 10) – Descriptor 8 Contaminants. Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation team report (Marine Institute).
McGovern, E., Giltrap, M., 2012. Reporting Sheets for Characteristics of GES (Article 9) and Environmental Targets and Associated Indicators (Article 10) Descriptor 9 Contaminants in Seafood. Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation team report (Marine Institute).
O’ Boyle, S., Giltrap, M., McGovern, E. 2012. Reporting Sheet for Article 8(1b) Nutrients, Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation team report (Marine Institute and EPA)