Thank You, Mom - Mother's Day 2022

Moms make it all better. And as Mother’s Day approaches during this special year when Teamson turns 25, we want to give a special thank you to our mom Linda. Our mom has been a caring, playful, encouraging mom who has always inspired, motivated, and empowered us to play, learn, and grow—lessons for life that we are now passing down to the next generation. Her imprint on our souls and lives is immeasurable.
We have also learned from her and our dad, Ken, the art of entrepreneurship and instilled in us the spirit of perseverance and hard work. They launched Teamson 25 years ago as young immigrant parents with a vision to provide safe and beautiful designs and toys that bring endless smiles to everyone, beginning with the smallest family members, and in doing so they created cherished memories for families the world over, including our own.
We have countless memories of our mom taking our dad’s design sketches and finding ways to bring them not only to life, but to homes across the world. We were just as enthralled then as we are today by her drive, dedication, and creativity. And in all of this, where some would get too caught up or busy for their children, she was always the best of moms, taking the time to play with us, discipline us when needed, and to design a life approach of dreaming and risk taking.
Her vibrant, generous spirit continues today as our Chief Mom Officer, confidently embracing that most powerful of titles of a creator, giver, and advocate for moms, dad-moms, caregivers who want to provide the best to their children, communities, and everyone in-between.
So today, on Mother’s Day, we salute her and all of those who laugh with us, comfort us, and support us to be the best version of ourselves, and to always design happy.
Thank you, Mom!
Will and Jerry