Dr Brendan Jennings

Vice President, Research & Innovation
Email: vp.ri@tudublin.ie
Tel: 01 220 8133
Dr Brendan Jennings holds the BEng. In Electronic Engineering and PhD degrees from Dublin City University, Ireland. Following his PhD, Brendan worked for two years as a senior software engineer with Openet Telecom Ltd. in Dublin, before moving to Waterford Institute of Technology as one of the first two post-doctoral researchers in the Telecommunications Software & Systems Group (now the Walton Institute). In his 15+ years in Waterford, he was instrumental in developing and delivering a vibrant, well-regarded research programme on communications network management.
Brendan has been Principal Investigator on research grants totalling €9m+, many of which were co-funded by industry partners including Cisco, IBM and Intel. From 2014 to 2019 he was Waterford IT’s first Head of Graduate Studies, leading the introduction of Structured PhD programmes and research student structures and supports across WIT’s six schools. During 2020 Brendan was the Interim Director of CONNECT, the SFI Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications, comprising 250+ researchers from nin Irish universities. During this time he contributed to the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic through his work in the SFI Expert Advisory Group on Contact Tracing, providing expert commentary on contact tracing apps to RTÉ Radio 1, the Irish Times and the BBC. Brendan is strongly committed to Integrity in Research and to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, having represented Waterford IT on both the National Research Integrity Forum and the Athena SWAN Ireland Committee.
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