What is Digital Education?
Digital Education is the innovative use of digital tools and technologies during the teaching, learning, assessment and feedback process, in any modality, to enhance and transform the student experience. Implicit in this is the need to build organisational digital capability and equip those who teach, and those who learn, with the digital capabilities (skills, literacies, competencies and attributes) required to use digital tools and technologies effectively in their practice.

Building Organisational Digital Capability
Ensuring organisational culture and infrastructure enables and motivates digital practices
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Building Staff & Student Digital Capability
Enabling staff and students live, work and learn effectively in our increasingly digital environment
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Calendar of Events: workshops, webinars & seminars
Applying digital capabilities to professional practice
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To learn more about Digital Education at TU Dublin, to make suggestions regarding related projects, and to hear about how you can get involved in current and planned projects and initiatives, please contact the Digital Education Manager, Dr Frances Boylan.
- frances.boylan@tudublin.ie
- +353 1 220 6062
- Profile
Queries about building digital capabilities and associated training/professional development opportunties can be directed to the Digital Skills Coach, Ciara Bell.
- ciara.bell@tudublin.ie
- +353 1 220 6345
- Profile