Why Choose Executive Education?
The Graduate Business School is a trusted educational partner to leading Irish and International organisations and industry bodies. We offer a wide range of customised and accredited courses which are co-designed with partners to ensure they achieve maximum impact for individuals and organisations. We have a lengthy and successful track record working with excellent partners, including: Workday, Version 1, Oracle, Intel, Microsoft, Ericsson, ICT Ireland, the Irish Software Association, Musgrave, AIB, Ibec, Enterprise Ireland, Bord Bia, IAPI, Marketing Institute Ireland and many more.
The Graduate Business School Executive Promise:
"Future-Proofed education that is co-created with enterprise"

Executive Education for Individuals
Learning more about our executive education offerings: Micro-credentials, Executive MBA, Masterclasses, Enterprise Coaching.

Executive Education for Organisations
Learn more about how the Graduate Business School can work with your organisation for Accredited Talent Development and Enterprise Connect

Enterprise Case Studies
Read our Enterprise Partner Case Profiles to learn how Executive Education can support your organisation.