QQI FET Applicants
We welcome applications from students presenting QQI (formerly known as FET/FETAC) Level 5/6 awards. Over 500 first-year places are available, for QQI FET Applicants, on our Higher Certificate, Ordinary Degree and most Honours Degree courses.
QQI Entry Requirements for courses differ, so please refer to the relevant course page for specific details on QQI Entry Requirements for that course. QQI Entry Requirements can also be viewed on the CAO website at: CAO QQI FET/FETAC Requirements.
Note: We are in the process of reviewing our QQI entry requirements for courses commencing in September 2026, if you are considering which QQI course to pursue prior to applying for one of our courses and need advice contact our admissions team at admissions@tudublin.ie.
How to Apply
- You must apply through the Central Applications Office (CAO).
- In order to apply, you must have obtained a full major award. A Component Certificate (minor award) is not sufficient.
- The best 8 modules of your award are used for ranking purposes.
- In addition to the QQI minimum entry requirements, QQI quotas and QQI points apply. The max QQI points awarded is 390.
- If you’ve accumulated your major award over more than one academic year, you’ll need to apply to the QQI for a major award.
- If you present full QQI Level 5/6 awards, you won’t be required to meet minimum entry requirements based on Leaving Certificate results. The QQI Level 5/6 award is accepted in its own right.